Follow install.pdf for installation and update with the method. 1. INSTALL 1.1 CREATE DATABASE The PostgreSQL backup file was created with PostgreSQL 9 1.1.1 PostgreSQL 9 or higher pg_restore -d [Your Database] open-lims.backup 1.1.2 PostgreSQL 8.3 and 8.4 psql -d [Your Database] -U [Your Username] -f open-lims.sql 1.2 CONFIGURE THE WEBSERVER AND PHP Important: Disable PHP-Safemode and Register Globals use ./www folder as Webserver main folder ./filesystem must be writable for Apache user Attend that the standard filesize for uploads is set to 2048KB in Apache and PHP 1.3 CONFIGURE OPEN-LIMS open ./www/config/main.php Set DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and DB_DATABASE for your database connection Set BASE_DIR to the Open-LIMS base directory (e.g. /var/open-lims) 2. AFTER INSTALLATION Login with: User: system Pass: 20080930 Change the password of the "system" user.